Enter the festive wonder of Santa’s Enchanted Grotto, presented by House of Marbles. This year’s grotto delivers an unparalleled experience, making it the ultimate festive destination. Follow a trail lit by enchanting lights to a cosy retreat where Santa awaits. An exclusive encounter with Father Christmas promises a treasure trove of joyful and awe-inspiring memories.
This year’s brand new theme is enveloped in a mystical aura, inspired by legendary tales. While the full story remains a secret, expect an adventure filled with otherworldly creatures that will enchant and inspire you. Stay tuned to our event pages and social media for clues as the season unfolds. This is an experience you won’t want to miss!
Choose a time between 09:30 and 15:30, provide your details, and let the journey begin. For groups larger than 5 children or those needing extra time (SEND sessions/disability-friendly spaces), special slots are available to ensure a comfortable visit for all. Call 01626 931 313 to reserve. Check our Event FAQs for additional information.
🎅🏻 Booking Tips for Santa’s Enchanted Grotto:
⭕ Child’s Ticket: Purchase only for each child seeing Santa.
⭕ Name & Age: List your child’s name and age in the ‘Attendee’ section during checkout (we also match an age-appropriate gift).
⭕ Multiple Children: Add tickets and fill out additional ‘Attendee’ fields at checkout.
⭕ Same Slot: Book all tickets within the same 15-minute slot to enter together.
⭕ Adults: No ticket needed.
⭕ Group Size: Indicate all attendees, including friends, family and ticket holders.