Dartmoor National Park is renewing it’s ‘Moor Otters’ Public Arts Trail for 2021 with all new designs!
House of Marbles considered itself to be very lucky indeed to house not one but two of these rare and unique creatures (well, the models of them at least!) four years ago in 2017and we couldn’t be happier that they will be returning again this year.
The beauty of this trail is that its characteristic otters appear across a variety of locations ranging from easy-to-reach to off-the-beaten-track, thereby offering untold opportunities for discovery & exploration. You can pick and choose which otters and destinations you want to visit depending on the time available and the distance you were willing to travel.
The otters will arrive at their ‘holiday homes’ for the duration of the Summer & depart again in the Autumn when they will be auctioned off to raise vital funds for Dartmoor’s restoration & conservation projects.
We are also very pleased to have been able to obtain a very special design this year, the theme of which shall be kept a secret for now…. So watch this space!
Until they descend onto the Moors, we will be ‘otterly’ beside ourselves with excitement, but can rest knowing that we have just a few more short weeks ahead of us before their arrival on 28th May.
Some of you may remember way back in 2017 (when mask-wearing was a habit reserved for far-Eastern nations) a marble-ous public arts trail across Dartmoor featuring otters. Why otters you ask? Why because they are an endangered species, if you would believe it!
The 2017 project began as a way to bring new people to parts of our local National Park they may not have previously visited before, while raising awareness & money for much-needed restoration & conservation initiatives. One of Dartmoor’s main aims is to maintain a focus on the conservation of its biodiverse environments, which is vital to the survival of its many native species.
Dartmoor National Park (DNP) is of international importance for its unique habitats which are home to many of the UK’s endangered species, both plant & animal. It is also specifically the only place in the world that a number of them can be found & so it is so important that work continues to ensure these species are around in the future.
In addition to the models which were seen in 2017, this year’s range of Otters also feature their own Mini-Otters, which have been incorporated into the many fantastic and unique designs so seamlessly you would never know they weren’t around last time! The new cubs also help to underline that breeding is an essential part of the conservation projects, which is amazingly appropriate for this new trail.
Find out more about the Moor Otters at:
- Website: dartmoor.gov.uk/enjoy-dartmoor/moor-otters
- Facebook: facebook.com/groups/moorotters/
- Twitter: @MoorOtters